10 New Year Resolutions To Think About

Posted by | January 6, 2015 | blog | No Comments

1. I will try to understand the people who are important to me and give them attention. I will not focus on negative people and trying to fix their problems.
2. I will not let relationships get to me. I complete myself. I cannot waste time on people who don’t love me anymore.
3. I will raise my children to be equal and kind and understanding. I will not give in to every demand of theirs.
4. I will meditate every day for at least 15 minutes. I believe in a higher power and my inner power. I will tap into that when I’m depressed, lonely, upset, disappointed, angry, or annoyed.
5. I will walk/jog/gym/yoga at least five times a week. Not just to be thin but to be fit for life.
6. I will not feel guilty about taking time for myself and understanding what my soul desires. Even if this means skipping a few lunches and dinners with friends and important people.
7. I will not be indifferent to the needs of others. I will donate clothes, money, time and energy to those who are in need and it will not include family and friends.
8. I will realize that I need to work to earn money but it’s not what defines me. I have many layers of myself to discover and I will take new chances.
9. I will not let people, situations, opinions, and other’s success affect me. I will not be filled with self doubt! My time will come. I will work hard today to fulfil my goal.
10. I will not share every idea, every moment, and every picture of me on a social media site. I do not need appreciation or validation. I am complete in myself. My moments are precious to me and I cherish them.

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