Communication & conversation are 2 diff aspects of a relationship. With one u tell each other mundane stuff. With the other u share ur life.
Making someone believe in themself is the greatest gift you can give them.
The world is not obligated to care. Doesn’t mean u don’t continue working and doing your duty towards the Universe.
We naturally move towards things that lie in our subconscious. If we dream abt success, it will eventually happen.
If men weren’t known by their profession & women by the roles they play in society, there wd be far more acceptance of ppl.
Don’t hold it against someone if they hv a diff point of view. Opinions can change. Love should not.
A relationship begins when someone asks u a question no one else ever has. And u
Love means trusting someone to want to come back to you. #love
Don’t copy someone else to succeed. They’ll do it before you anyway. Be yourself and Don’t compare urself with anyone. Your energies are yours alone & the success or peace u can get from it, no one
You can’t be someone’s anchor when all they want is to be adrift. #relationships